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1: Daily on-duty maintenance workers take the initiative to patrol the non-woven machinery in the district to patrol the installation level and accuracy, and make detailed records for future reference.

2: For precision equipment with special requirements on the environment (constant temperature, constant humidity, anti-vibration, dustproof), enterprises should take corresponding measures to ensure that the accuracy and performance of the equipment are not affected.

3: Precision, rare, and critical equipment Do not disassemble parts, especially optical components, during routine maintenance. When it must be dismantled, it should be carried out by a special repair worker. If abnormal phenomena are found during operation of the non-woven machinery , it is necessary to stop immediately and not allow sickness to operate.

4: Operate in strict accordance with the processing range specified in the equipment manual. Super-standard, over-weight, overload, and over-pressure equipment are not allowed. Precision equipment is only allowed to be finished for direct use, the machining allowance should be reasonable, and the castings and blanks must be pre-blasted or painted.

5: If the precision and rare equipment are stopped for a long time, it should be wiped, lubricated and idling regularly.


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