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How to use alcohol pad during the epidemic?

The use of alcohol pad is very simple, just tear the package and use it. 

During the epidemic, alcohol pads play an important role in daily home and travel disinfection, and can be used to disinfect items, mainly as follows:

1. Mobile phones are easily contaminated due to frequent use, so after get off work or going home, carefully wipe the mobile phone with an alcohol pad to disinfect it.

2. Toys can be wiped and disinfected with alcohol pad. Pay attention to drying before playing with children.

Third, eyeglasses, using alcohol pad to view glasses can be disinfected, sterilized, and can also play a cleaning role.

4. Keys, car keys or keys of family room and office need to be disinfected in time.

5. Carrying alcohol pad when traveling can be used to disinfect door handles, elevator buttons, elevator handrails, faucets, work chairs and desktops in public places.

6. If you don't have water to wash your hands when eating out, you can wipe your hands with alcohol pad to disinfect them.


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