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How to distinguish between good and bad wipes

1. Put the wet wipes on the nose and gently smell it. If it is a high-quality wet wipes, we will smell a soft and elegant taste. It does not have any irritation. If it is a bag of poor-quality wipes, we will feel obvious irritating smell when we smell it.

2. The high-quality wet wipes are made of high-quality raw materials. We can see that the non-woven fabric is white and free of any impurities. The raw materials of inferior wet wipes are very poor. We can see that there are obvious impurities on them. There will be no obvious fuzzing in the use of high-quality wet wipes, but there will be obvious fuzzing in the use of inferior wet wipes.

3. After taking out the wipes, if the wipes have mildew and mildew spots, do not use the wipes. If you feel skin irritation, itching and pain during the use of wet wipes, you should immediately wash it with water and stop using it to avoid causing greater harm.

4. Check the product endorsement carefully, and select the brands of regular manufacturers with detailed factory address, service telephone number, health standards, enterprise standards and relevant health department filing number.


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